
Five Minute Friday: She

Joining with Five Minute Friday sponsored by Lisa-Jo Baker. On Friday, Lisa-Jo posts a one word prompt and for five minutes even we write what the prompt brings to mind. No rewrite, nor editing just letting the words flow. 

Today's Prompt: She 

She has been on my mind a lot lately.  So many things are reminding me of her as I walk through my days. Even the weather does today as the  autumn rains come, washing the leaves from the trees. It's reminding me of my childhood where She still is vibrant and active. I remember how she would begin baking in the fall and how there were  sugar cookies baked in the shape of fall leaves. I can't remember the last time I baked cookies and I don't have a cookie cutter in the house.  She no longer bakes now  so I am going to have to pick up that mantle and do it for her.  On my list of errands this morning, I will be adding 'find a cookie cutter in the shape of a fall leaf'.

 Check out the Five Minute Friday community by clicking on the icon above.

 I Love You, Mom.


  1. I am visiting from FMF. What wonderful words you have shared and a what a tribute to your mom. I can see the leaf-shaped cookies as you write about them. I hope you find that cookie cutter and celebrate the gift of these wonderful memories with your mom! Blessings!

    1. I see you are from the Flint area. I grew up in Lansing so you'll know what I mean about those wonderful fall days. I'm in Dallas now and boy do I miss Lansing, the piles of fall leaves and my Mom this time of year. My parents still live in the house I grew up in and I know exactly which kitchen drawer that leaf shaped cookie cutter is still in. I'll be getting one of my own today.

      God Bless and thank you for stopping by!

      ~ Cassandra

  2. I love your words here about you mom! I hope you enjoy many more precious moments with her filled with lots of cookies too. :)

    1. When I saw the prompt, my Mom was the first 'SHE' that came to mind. I had already been thinking about her so these thoughts were part of the inner conversation I had been having about her already.
      I've been reading through a number of the other offerings and I just know this prompt is going to leave me in a puddle of tears all day long. :) On my way over to your place with tissues in hand, LOL.

      Thanks for coming by today. God Bless and have a nice weekend.

  3. Hi Cassandra!

    Over the last couple of years, my Mom and I have come to a really nice place in our relationship. It was a lot of forgiveness and a lot of work, but I'm grateful for the friendship we now share. Thank you for sharing your Mom with me today. I know you'll find that cookie cutter :) Hope you'll stop on over at www.lifeafterbreath00.com Peace & Blessings

    1. Welcome Dena!

      As I get older, I believe I am valuing what my Mom did for us more than I had realized. I'm sure I understand her better and that has given us a deeper connection. I'm so glad she's my mom.

      I'm on my way over to your blog home to return your visit. Thank you for dropping in and have a great weekend.

      ~ Cassandra

  4. I saw your link from FMF. Enjoyed your homage to your mother.

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      I just came back from your place. I am still overwhelmed by that sweet pure moment of grace you shared with us. It was beautiful.
      Thank you for sharing it with us.

      God Bless.

      ~ Cassandra


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God Bless and Have a Great Day!

Cassandra from Renaissance Women