
Five Minute Friday: Red

Joining with Five Minute Friday sponsored by Lisa-Jo Baker. On Friday, Lisa-Jo posts a one word prompt and for five minutes even we write what the prompt brings to mind. No rewrite, nor editing just letting the words flow. 

Today's Prompt: Red

Five Minute Friday
Red has always been my favorite color. It was the color of the various station wagons my family had when I was a child. Some had wood paneling on the side, some were decorated with chrome accents but they were all various shades of red. I believe they were the beginning of my love affair with red.

I remember taking three week long summer vacations in those red station wagons where we kids took turns sitting in the rear facing back seat, waving at on coming cars. I remember stretching out on sleeping bags spread out over the folded-down red leather rear seats on warm cool summer family nights at the drive in movies. There was nothing better in this kid's world than falling asleep before the second feature began in the those wood-paneled red cradles. Warm, precious memories of our family, together in the inside the color red.  

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