
Thank You for A Great 2013!

Reflecting on 2013 I started out with the theme A Year of Praise. I wanted from the beginning to focus on the positive aspects of life. 2012 had been a rough year  for me with dealing with serious health issues which dragged me down emotionally. I often  refer to 2012 as the Year of The Cave because it felt as if I was stuck in a dark depressing cave. Thanks be to God I came out of it healthier in both mind and body.  This year I worked to focus on coming back into the light and letting the light come back into me which brought me the strength I need to go forward.

As a rule my blog doesn’t generate a lot of traffic but it is quality traffic. You are the best! I want to thank all of you for being a big part of my Year of Praise.  I have enjoyed getting to know you and I look forward to continue to get to know you even better in 2014!. 


Five Minute Friday: Reflect

Five Minute Friday

Joining with Five Minute Friday sponsored by Lisa-Jo Baker. On each Friday, Lisa-Jo posts a one word prompt and for five minutes we join together as an international community to write what the prompt brings to mind. No rewrite, nor editing just letting the words flow from our hearts.  

Today's prompt is Reflect.

I pull together the memories of passed and passing events gathering them together in my heart like ribbons tied to the ends of a bunch of balloons captured in my hands.  Holding tight lest they are swept away, floating upwards, pulled from me by the lighter than airy-ness of the multi-colored spheres they are tethered to. As I look back, this year feels like that. Colorful and dull, light and  dark, bits and pieces, thoughts and things, prayers and memories, and dreams and nightmares. All encapsulated in their individuality but tied, woven, bound together as a group because they occurred within the same time and space which has been my life these past twelve months. Together, the good and the bad they become beautiful, moving, floating to create the year of moments that is quickly coming to a close and it is a beautiful thing.

Texas - The New Winter Wonderland

From my Dallas Texas front porch at 7:30 am this morning. Sparkling ice trees. They weren't kidding about the ice storm at all. Dallas is shut completely down. Having grown up in Michigan, I'm used to it and know how to handle it. I'm praying all those on the street were able to get to a warm place.