
Hello, it’s me.

My name is Cassandra which means prophetess and friend of mankind. In some historical references it says the name means 'betrayer of mankind' but I reject that one as being born of Trojan sour grapes. This is a more formal portrait than I wanted to post but I’m still looking for a more casual one which will be the ‘face’ of my blog. I know when I go to a blog for the first time I like to read the profile and see a face so I can see who’s talking to me so…I decided to bite the bullet early and post a picture of myself. 

If you’ve studied the history of Western Civilization in school you probably would have heard my name in the story of the Trojan Horse. Cassandra was a Trojan woman who (legend has it) was beloved by the Greek god Apollo who gave her the irrevocable gift of prophesy to win her love.  To my mind, that never seemed a particularly smart thing for him to do because – duh, Apollo -  she would know what her future would hold if she accepted him. Faithful was not a word you would use to describe those Greek gods. Needless to say, Cassandra  rejected Apollo and in his anger he placed a curse on her gift which cause those around her to reject whatever she would say, especially when she was telling them the truth.  You have of course heard the saying ‘Beware of Greeks bearing gifts’. Well, Cassandra was the one who said it.  When the Greeks rolled up this humongous wooden horse supposedly as an offering of peace Cassandra tried to warn the people to leave it outside of the city gates but they didn’t listen. As you know it was hollow, filled with Greek soldiers who once inside the gate, jumped out and sacked the city.  When we studied this in high school, for about a month I was referred to by my classmates as “The Prophetess of DOOOOOM!” Funny people in my high school. Yeah. Right. Not Cassandra’s fault.  Betrayer of mankind? Not hardly.  Stupid Trojans…they should have figured it out on their own.  

At the glorious age of fifty-mumblemumble years old, the call of my heart is ministering to women and girls, walking along side them as we seek to become the Women that God has created us to be. I am an ordained minister, a mother of three, a grandmother of five, a sister to four, and an aunt to six. Spending time with family and friends is the joy of my life and I love books and music, the theater and museums. I also love everything to do with decorating and homemaking - except of course, the cleaning.  As time goes on, you’ll learn more about me, probably more than you ever would want to know. *smile* (Don’t say you weren't warned.) But now, you know who you’re talking to.

So…hello, it’s me. So glad to meet you. Stay awhile and tell me about yourself.


  1. Hi, Cassandra! When I look at that lovely portrait, I see a beautiful, wonderful woman, not a prophetess of doom! Yet how much are we like the doomed Trojans, in that we tend to ignore truth when it stares us in the face, LOL?

    I've jumped over from Company Girls - welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. You are so right about our Trojans 'natures'. I find myself having to deal with my own inner Trojan more times than I care to admit. Thanks for the welcome, Diane! Still figuring out all the ropes but having fun doing so.

  3. Hi Cassandra! Welcome to the blogging world! I am visiting from Company girls...

  4. Welcome to the blogging world Cassandra! I'm another Company Girl stopping by for a visit.

  5. Company Ladies Michelle and Katherine! Thank you for stopping by and thank you for the warm welcome to blogging. Still learning the way around but I like it. Hope you'll come again soon.

  6. A little late, but stopping by from Company Girl Coffee. Nice to "meet" you, and looking forward to getting to know you.

  7. Welcome Joyce, Norm and your two adorable girls! Looking forward to getting to know you as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. We have been reading about The Tale of Troy in our school. I have learned much that I didn't learn the first time around!! Cassandra is much too pretty of a name to mean betrayer of mankind!

    coming on over from company girls...welcome!


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God Bless and Have a Great Day!

Cassandra from Renaissance Women