
Five Minute Friday: small

I feel small sometimes, Lord. 

Small, in my place in the universe,  small in the face of the inevitable march of time.  Small, in the face of the vision you have given me. When younger,  I thought I would grow into it and it would feel less unwieldy to carry. But instead over time, it feels bigger and  I feel smaller still. My strength fades, my understanding as well. Is there still enough time, Lord to do what you’ve called me to do? Can I do these things, in the time left for me? Or have I misunderstood your meaning, your direction all this time? My understanding is so small in the presence of your plan for my life. Sometimes, O Lord, I feel very, very small. 


Joining with the  Five Minute Friday community sponsored by Lisa-Jo Baker. On each Friday, Lisa-Jo posts a one word prompt and for five minutes we join together in an international community to write what the prompt brings to mind. No rewrite, no editing just letting the words flow from our hearts.
Today's prompt was small. Come join us.

Lisa-Jo Baker
Five Minute Friday


  1. I can so relate to this post, beautifully written x

    1. Thank you Sara and thanks for stopping by.

      ~ Cassandra

  2. You have expressed so many of my own sentiments in this most eloquently written message from your soul.


    1. I think we all feel this way at different times in our lives.

      Thanks for coming by.

      ~ Cassandra

  3. Well said Cassandra. This is something I can so identify with. Thanks for being so honest.

    1. Thank you for kind comments and for coming by.

      ~ Cassandra

  4. "...I thought I would grow into it..." - I so relate to this, in so many ways. No matter how I feel, I always try to remember what a former pastor once said: When you don't know what to do, do what you know to do. Even when I'm unsure, there are always things I can do, and when we keep Christ our focus, things tend to fall into place as far as what He wants us doing wherever He has us.

    1. Thank you for sharing this wise counsel. With Christ as our focus, yes, things will fall into place.
      Thank you, Kelly. Come again anytime.

      ~ Cassandra

  5. I love this. How you speak to the Lord directly. And let me read your thoughts. Thank you. Happy FMF!

    1. Thank you for coming by, Michelle. I always want to be transparent before the Lord and my sisters in life.

      God Bless.

      ~ Cassandra

  6. Good thoughts on the word "small". I have to get organized a little better so I can make it to writing something in five minutes on Friday. Love reading what everyone else wrote, encouraging.

    1. Welcome Betty.

      Thanks for the kind comments. Organization is not required for Five Minute Fridays. If it was, I'd never write a word. :P Just grab the next one and jump on in. Look forward to see your first one.

      ~ Cassandra


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God Bless and Have a Great Day!

Cassandra from Renaissance Women