
Well..you gotta start somewhere.

When I decided to start a blog, I had a picture in my mind of what it was going to look like.

This isn't it. Not yet anyway.

If I had waited for that elegant, professional and polished blog to begin, this would have never happened. This, instead, is a beginning, a work in progress which will hopefully get better and more polished as it goes along.  I put this together myself, an afternoon spent trying out fonts and layouts and various backgrounds until settling on this one which reminds me of a delicate material they used to call dotted swiss. Curtains were made out of it in various colors and I have a memory of white dotted swiss curtains softly wafting in a warm breeze at a kitchen window somewhere...calming, comforting and soothing. It's simple and pretty and it works for now.

I choose the name A Renaissance Woman because I want this to be a place to explore what Renaissance can be in the lives of everyday women like myself.  There's a verse in the Bible that says we should  work out our salvation in fear (awe, respect for God) and trembling (in joy and excitement, sometimes in sorrow)* which is how I try to live out my life. I'll be working out the aspects of this journal in that way as well. I know I want it to be truthful and honest and cover all aspects of who we are as women of faith, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. I want it be an adventure and a journey of self-discovery for the both of us.  I hope you'll join in and share in the discovery of restoration, renewal and revival for your life. I promise you it won't be boring!
*Philippians 2:12

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Cassandra from Renaissance Women